DWI/DUI Attorney

Kenner and Metairie, LA

DUI Attorney Dedicated To Protecting Your Driving Record

DUI Attorney Dedicated To Protecting Your Driving Record

DUI/DWI Defense From An Experienced Attorney

A DUI/DWI can happen to anyone. You could be spending an afternoon watching the football game, have a few drinks, then realize you forgot to pick up something for dinner. If you are stopped for a minor violation or happen to drive through a DUI/DWI checkpoint in Louisiana, you could be arrested if your blood alcohol content (BAC) surpasses the .08 limit.

Don't face these potentially damaging charges alone. With trusted legal counsel from a DWI lawyer at Traffic Ticket Clinic, by your side, you can fight charges knowing you have 25 years of experience to rely on.

Common DUI/DWI Cases

Not all DUI/DWI cases are cut-and-dry. Though most involve alcohol or illegal drugs, in some instances prescription medication plays a role. Whether you or a family member is facing a first-time violation or felony arrest, our team will help you make sense of your options. We handle:

  • Misdemeanor DUI/DWI offenses: Our attorney can often have the charge expunged from your record on a first-time offense. This can help keep insurance premiums to a minimum. However, a second offense will reveal the original violation and factor into subsequent punishment handed down by the court. Additionally, second-time offenders may face home incarceration and only be allowed to drive to work, school, etc.
  • Felony DUI offenses: A felony DUI or other major violation is a serious matter. If you or a family member faces a third or fourth DUI arrest, it is likely that jail time is unavoidable. For a third offense, one to three years is common. In instances of a fourth violation, five years is often the minimum sentence. Depending on the circumstances of your case, our attorney can advocate on your behalf with the district attorney to have the charge or sentence reduced.

DWI Lawyer Helping You Stay On The Road

While many of the DWI cases that come through our door involve residents of Kenner, Metairie, LA, and the surrounding communities, drivers from out of state, including truck drivers, may be left wondering where to turn after being arrested for DUI.

To help ease your worry, we offer a holistic approach to investigating your case. From vetting the police report and breath test results to painting your background in a flattering light, we diligently plan and negotiate with the district attorney to pursue the best deal possible.

Though an outright dismissal of the charges may be impossible, we assist clients in pursuing reduced penalties. Rather than facing the uncertainty alone, you can rely on our attorney to serve as your voice while defending your rights.

Facing the consequences of a DUI/DWI in Louisiana can be daunting. Contact our Kenner firm at 504-908-6080 to learn your options and to schedule a free consultation. With so much at stake, don't attempt to defend yourself alone.

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You're Busy. Let Us Handle Your Traffic Violation.